Ari is the associate editor and Seattle correspondent of The Post Millenial. He is also the host of The Ari Hoffman Show on Talk Radio 570 KVI
"This stubborn approach to governing is exactly why so many of our constituents on the Enumclaw Plateau were thrilled to hear this would be Governor Inslee's final term.”
Ari Hoffman / May 19, 2023
The majority of overdose deaths involve fentanyl.
Ari Hoffman / May 17, 2023
"That cretin never advised me on anything whatsoever.”
Ari Hoffman / May 16, 2023
Mail delivery has since been stopped at residences across the zip code where mail can be accessed by using a master key, also known as an arrow key.
Ari Hoffman / May 15, 2023
“There’s been no accountability. These officials basically got away with it and the taxpayers are paying.”
Ari Hoffman / May 15, 2023
“I don’t care if they’re a sex offender! ... I don’t care if they’re a criminal! I don’t care if they’re coming out of jail, prison. Everyone deserves housing!”
Ari Hoffman / May 15, 2023
The blood bank said that it requires at least 1,000 donors a day.
Ari Hoffman / May 11, 2023
"...this powerful tool that scans your social media to catch forgotten posts that may not reflect who you are today."
Ari Hoffman / May 11, 2023
"I have experience with working with youth, young adults... the younger generation of us. I also have lived experience with being homeless as well."
Ari Hoffman / May 10, 2023
“We’re saying that the state of Washington, under this underlying policy, can take this child and not contact the parents with no signs of abuse, with no pending case of abuse, and the foster system not involved."
Ari Hoffman / May 10, 2023
“This event in the US Capitol is canceled. Instead, I will host a bipartisan discussion to honor the 75th anniversary of the US-Israel relationship.”
Ari Hoffman / May 10, 2023
Over 2,000 written statements in opposition were received through the legislature's website.
Ari Hoffman / May 9, 2023
Chief Adrian Diaz ordered the police to no longer engage in any pursuits.
Ari Hoffman / May 5, 2023
A witness said the shooter looked at the person on the ground and shot him twice describing it as "…one shot low at the victim then the shooter raised his gun slightly and fired again.”
Ari Hoffman / May 5, 2023
“I saw two people hit the ground, get shot completely dead. I was over here skateboarding. There was a huge skateboard event happening."
Ari Hoffman / May 2, 2023