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Ari Hoffman

Ari is the associate editor and Seattle correspondent of The Post Millenial. He is also the host of The Ari Hoffman Show on Talk Radio 570 KVI

Opinion, American News

Rent forgiveness without help to landlords is property theft

Socialist Seattle City Council Members Tammy Morales and Kshama Sawant proposed a resolution freeze rents and mortgages with no accumulation of back rent or debt.

Ari Hoffman / 03/31/2020 12:00 AM

News, American News

The call to stop airing Trump's press conferences is coming from inside the press

Outlets across the left leaning media have called for networks to stop broadcasting President Trump’s coronavirus press briefings, and for Americans to stop watching them.

Ari Hoffman / 03/26/2020 12:00 AM

News, American News

Right to arms and free assembly under threat due to coronavirus

Restrictions in place due to the rapidly spreading coronavirus have limited citizens right to carry fire arms, or to free assembly.

Ari Hoffman / 03/25/2020 12:00 AM

American News

Shelter-in-place order issued for Washington State, no help for small businesses

Washington State Governor Jay Inslee issues stay-at-home order, joins growing number of states. Offers poetry, but no timeline for expiration of the order.

Ari Hoffman / 03/24/2020 12:00 AM


Radical politicians using coronavirus to push socialist agenda

Socialist politicians seem content to use crisis, and the narrative of those suffering, to further their political ambition, ignoring and neglecting those in need.

Ari Hoffman / 03/20/2020 12:00 AM

Opinion, American News

Violent anti-Semitic antifa activist released, re-offends

A violent Antifa activist with a long felony record, previously released to treatment, has been arrested again, for violating the conditions of his release.

Ari Hoffman / 03/19/2020 12:00 AM

American News

Seattle schools closed, no online learning option offered

The closure of public schools in Seattle is not accompanied by online learning offerings, despite budget excesses that would enable it.

Ari Hoffman / 03/17/2020 12:00 AM

Opinion, American News

Seattle should help businesses instead of saving money for pet projects

The Seattle city budget for 2020 is the largest ever, with record revenue and a lot of pet projects. The city should use that money to help affected businesses.

Ari Hoffman / 03/16/2020 12:00 AM

Opinion, News, American News

Washington governor wishes someone else was in charge as coronavirus ravages state

Announcing the events ban in Washington State, Gov. Inslee said “I wish I didn’t have this on my shoulders right now. I wish it was on somebody else’s…”

Ari Hoffman / 03/12/2020 12:00 AM

American News

Violent anti-Semitic antifa activist avoids jail time, released for treatment

The release of Pacific Northwest-based antifa activist Jamal Oscar Williams is endemic of failed programs that endager public welfare.

Ari Hoffman / 03/06/2020 12:00 AM

Canadian News, News

Safe Consumption Sites not as effective as predicted

A bombshell study has been released on Alberta’s Safe Consumption Sites (SCS), which may have far reaching ramifications for future…

Ari Hoffman / 03/06/2020 12:00 AM


Boats housing vagabonds another sign of Seattle’s decline

A moored fleet of boats housing homeless is yet another sign of Seattle’s poor leadership leading to disastrous consequences.

Ari Hoffman / 03/03/2020 12:00 AM


It’s hard to answer the question: ‘Is Bernie Sanders an anti-Semite?’

Bernie Sanders has turned his back on his Jewish heritage and his political ideology is one that attracts many anti-Semites.

Ari Hoffman / 03/01/2020 12:00 AM


How Seattle policy has encouraged more homelessness and crime

The Seattle Housing and Resources Effort has been an abject failure that has only made the homeless problem worse. Now they’re hiding the numbers.

Ari Hoffman / 02/17/2020 12:00 AM


City of Seattle officials are dismantling property rights of landlords

Seattle city officials have passed a bill that forces landlords to keep bad tenants over the winter months, causing major problems for housing in the city.

Ari Hoffman / 02/11/2020 12:00 AM

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