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Libby Emmons

Libby Emmons is the Editor-in-chief for The Post Millennial. MFA Columbia University BA Sarah Lawrence College. She has been published in the New York Post The Federalist others. @libbyemmons 

News, American News, exclude

Pedophile advocacy group says to prevent child abuse, teach kids about fetishes

One of the main fetishes Prostasia suggests should be part of that "comprehensive sex ed" is "chronophilia," or being attracted to people outside one's own age-group.

Libby Emmons / 01/28/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

BREAKING: Biden admin briefs Wall Street banks on potential Russian sanctions

Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp., JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. were all briefed this week by members of the National Security Council.

Libby Emmons / 01/28/2022 12:00 AM


It's time to unmask our kids

"Study after study... have indicated that masks actually don't play any role in stopping the spread of COVID in schools and they impair many different learning activities."

Libby Emmons / 01/26/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

Teachers union buys subscriptions to 'misinformation' service NewsGuard for use in classrooms

"I'm really excited about this partnership with NewsGuard. Students across the country will have access to this tool to help them identify misinformation."

Libby Emmons / 01/26/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

Biden's DOJ recommends lesser sentence for arsonist who killed a man because he lit the blaze for Black Lives Matter

"Mr. Lee was terribly misguided, and his actions had tragic, unthinkable consequences. But he appears to have believed that he was, in Dr. King’s eloquent words, engaging in 'the language of the unheard.'"

Libby Emmons / 01/26/2022 12:00 AM


Liberals who harassed Sinema and Manchin now need them to push Biden's Supreme Court pick through

Senate Democrats are going to have to do a quick about-face if they want these senators' support in confirming President Biden's upcoming Supreme Court nominee.

Libby Emmons / 01/26/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

Parents say school had secret 'gender identity' meetings with 12-year-old prior to her suicide attempt

It was after the father received a phone call that informed him that his "daughter attempted suicide," that he became aware of the "secret meetings" and gender identity issues.

Libby Emmons / 01/26/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

NYC students can remove masks after court rules Hochul's mandate 'unconstitutional'

The First Deputy Chancellor of New York City Public Schools issued a letter on Tuesday to all principals, saying that children in families that choose to opt out of masking cannot be disciplined.

Libby Emmons / 01/25/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: Biden's Surgeon General claims Joe Rogan should be censored

"We've got to recognize that our technology platforms, whether particularly social media, these have an important role to play... These platforms have still not stepped up to do the right thing."

Libby Emmons / 01/25/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

BREAKING: Kathy Hochul's mask mandate STRUCK DOWN by New York Supreme Court

Judge Rademaker said that enacting laws such as at these is "entrusted solely to the State Legislature."

Libby Emmons / 01/25/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: White House backs school boards over parents in mask debate

"It's always been up to local school districts to determine how they're going to approach, what implementation measures they're going to put in place."

Libby Emmons / 01/24/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

BREAKING: White House admits skyrocketing crime due to underfunding of police departments

"Underfunding of some police departments and their need for additional resources, something the President has advocated for consistently through the course of his career," Psaki said.

Libby Emmons / 01/24/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

BREAKING: Ukrainian official says 'Americans are safer in Kyiv than they are in LA'

"Quite frankly these Americans are safer in Kyiv than they are in Los Angeles ... or any other crime-ridden city in the US."

Libby Emmons / 01/24/2022 12:00 AM

News, International News

WATCH: Bill Gates praises China for their great work on Covid-19 in new video message

"China has worked hard to not only contain the virus, but also contributed to closing the equity gap by supporting other countries with many different supplies, including great vaccines."

Libby Emmons / 01/24/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

'Women are now third-class citizens': Trans swimmer's UPenn teammate speaks out

A University of Pennsylvania swimmer, teammate to Lia Thomas, a biological male who identifies as transgender and dominates in women's college swimming, said that "women are now third-class citizens."

Libby Emmons / 01/24/2022 12:00 AM

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