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Libby Emmons

Libby Emmons is the Editor-in-chief for The Post Millennial. MFA Columbia University BA Sarah Lawrence College. She has been published in the New York Post The Federalist others. @libbyemmons 

Opinion, News Analysis

Twitter lets Taliban use platform to get their message out

Former President Donald Trump was banned from the platform in January, 2021, and than ban remains in effect, while the Taliban are free to use the platform to express themselves.

Libby Emmons / 08/20/2021 12:00 AM

News, International News

Afghan youth soccer player fell to his death after clinging to US evacuation aircraft

One of those who fell to his death after clinging to the landing gear of a departing US aircraft on Monday was soccer player Zaki Anwari, 17, who played for the nation's youth soccer team.

Libby Emmons / 08/20/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: CDC changes definition of 'fully vaccinated' in light of booster shots

"We believe that that third dose will ultimately be needed to provide the fullest and continual extent of protection that we think people will need for the virus," the Surgeon General said.

Libby Emmons / 08/18/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

CDC announces plans for COVID-19 vaccine booster shots starting Sept 20

"Our approach on booster shots is simple, and it's consistent with every other front in this war," Jeff Zeints said. "Be guided by the science, and always always stay one step ahead of this virus."

Libby Emmons / 08/18/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: MSNBC's Joe Scarborough realizes Democrats are doomed

"If I were a Republican running, I would say 'Democrats can't protect us across the world. Democrats can't protect our streets, and Democrats can't protect us at the border,'" Scarborough said.

Libby Emmons / 08/18/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: Biden has not spoken to any world leaders since fall of Kabul

This comes as UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke to German head Angela Merkel about convening an emergency meeting of the G7.

Libby Emmons / 08/17/2021 12:00 AM

Opinion, News Analysis

Reuters 'fact checks' obvious meme of CNN reporting 'violent but mostly peaceful transfer of power' in Afghanistan

CNN reported that Taliban fighters chanted "'Death to America,' but they seem friendly at the same time." MSNBC said that it's been a "relatively peaceful" takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban.

Libby Emmons / 08/17/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

Photo ID and vaccine passport required by Mayor de Blasio to move freely in New York City

New Yorkers will now have to show photo IDs in order to engage in public life. Along with proof of vaccination, the mayor said "Whatever works, all you have to do is show that proof and have ID as well."

Libby Emmons / 08/17/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

BREAKING: Biden admits Taliban takeover of Afghanistan unfolded 'more quickly' than anticipated, takes no questions, returns to Camp David

"But," he said, "I always promised the American people that I would be straight with you. The truth is: This did unfold more quickly that we had anticipated."

Libby Emmons / 08/16/2021 12:00 AM

News, International News

Chinese state media uses Afghanistan disaster to justify takeover of Taiwan

State-run media reports that the disaster in Afghanistan should be a warning to Taiwan that the US will not help them should China seek to overtake the island.

Libby Emmons / 08/16/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

NBC reports Biden has 'no plans' for White House briefing while CNN, MSNBC ask: 'Where is the president?'

CNN asked the Deputy National Security Advisor "...totally different story than a few weeks ago, right? I mean why isn't he out there now. Kabul fell yesterday, where is the president?"

Libby Emmons / 08/16/2021 12:00 AM

News, International News

WATCH: Afghans climb aboard planes, fall to their deaths from high in the air

Afghans desperate to leave the country were seen climbing aboard planes as they sped down the runway. Some of these were able to cling to the planes until they were airborne before dropping to their deaths.

Libby Emmons / 08/16/2021 12:00 AM

News, International News

WATCH: MSNBC reports it's been a 'relatively peaceful' takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban

"They haven't had to fire a lot of shots, there hasn't been a lot of bloodshed in Kabul, it was a pretty straightforward takeover for them. They've also taken over the airport."

Libby Emmons / 08/16/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

Congresswoman to sue Mayor de Blasio over New York's vaccine mandate

"We want you to rescind this passport requirement," Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis said, "and if you don't, we will sue you."

Libby Emmons / 08/14/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

Minnesota parents refuse lockdowns and mask mandates for school children

The group claims to represent more than 30,000 Minnesota families and slams the "uninvited reign of destruction over the children of Minnesota."

Libby Emmons / 08/14/2021 12:00 AM

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