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Libby Emmons

Libby Emmons is the Editor-in-chief for The Post Millennial. MFA Columbia University BA Sarah Lawrence College. She has been published in the New York Post The Federalist others. @libbyemmons 

News Analysis

Liberals are triggered by Tom Brady not wearing a mask before Super Bowl

No one thinks that Brady is sick, or is spreading illness, or contracting it, given that COVID testing is particularly rampant in the NFL, they think that he should wear the mask purely for show.

Libby Emmons / 02/08/2021 12:00 AM

Discourse, #badge-discourse

Calm the F**K Down is the children's book we all need right now

Where Kendi's Antiracist Baby tells kids to "point at policies as the problem, not people," Dunne suggests that it's people and their individual attitudes about COVID that are precisely the problem.

Libby Emmons / 02/07/2021 12:00 AM

Canadian News, News

REVEALED: Trudeau staff discussed keeping COVID response information secret from Canadians

Newly leaked emails show that senior staffers in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's office spoke privately with the staffers of Liberal cabinet minister about how to keep information on the COVID response secret from Canadians.

Libby Emmons / 02/07/2021 12:00 AM

Opinion, Culture

WATCH: 'Transphobic' Ibram X. Kendi video emerges on social media

"I think it was last week my daughter came home and said she wanted to be a boy. Which was horrifying, for my wife to hear, for myself to hear..." Kendi said.

Libby Emmons / 02/05/2021 12:00 AM

Discourse, News Analysis, #badge-discourse

TIME article reveals 'shadow campaign' of collusion by big tech, media and labor to help Biden beat Trump

If it felt like big tech companies, corporations, union advocates, Democrats, the progressive left, and mainstream media were teaming up to squash dissent against a Biden reign, it's because they were.

Libby Emmons / 02/05/2021 12:00 AM

Culture, News Analysis

Hunter Biden's new memoir is already number one on Amazon ... in 'Chinese Biographies'

Hunter Biden's new memoir detailing his life as a drug-addicted son of a powerful American politician has hit number 1 on Amazon's bestseller list, albeit under the category of "Chinese Biographies."

Libby Emmons / 02/05/2021 12:00 AM

News Analysis

AOC attacks Republican colleague who set the record straight about her location during Jan. 6 riot

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been subject to substantial social media backlash since she released an Instagram video detailing a dubious personal account of the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riot. Rep. Nancy Mace called her out on it.

Libby Emmons / 02/04/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: Sen. Rand Paul grills Biden's new Education Secretary about 'boys running in girls' track meets'

"I think most people in the country think it's bizarre, just completely bizarre and unfair that people, and you're gonna run the Department of Education, and you've got no problem with it?"

Libby Emmons / 02/04/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: CDC says teachers do not need vaccinations for schools to reopen

The CDC's Dr. Rochelle Walensky said during a briefing on Wednesday that "vaccination of teachers is not a prerequisite for the safe reopening of schools."

Libby Emmons / 02/04/2021 12:00 AM

News Analysis

AOC wasn't in the Capitol Building at the time of the Jan. 6 riot—she was in another building entirely

It turns out, Ocasio-Cortez wasn't in the Capitol at the time of the assault on Congress, she was in another building entirely.

Libby Emmons / 02/03/2021 12:00 AM

News Analysis

Top San Francisco high school aims to abolish admissions standards in the name of equity

San Francisco is considering doing away with the rigorous standards for academic achievement because those standards are being reclassified as racist.

Libby Emmons / 02/03/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: Biden press sec Jen Psaki mocks branch of the armed forces when questioned about Space Force

When asked if Biden plans to keep the Space Force at the same size and scope, Psaki seemed amused to the point of mockery, and didn't know who she should talk to about it.

Libby Emmons / 02/02/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: AOC attacks police officer protected her during riots, demands removal of GOP colleagues

"So, I'm like so deeply rattled, I'm still like processing the end of my life when I come out. And I come out and this man is a Capitol Police Officer. But the story doesn't end."

Libby Emmons / 02/02/2021 12:00 AM

News Analysis

CNN viewership drops 44 percent in first week after Trump presidency

In the key demographic of viewers aged 25-54, CNN ratings dropped by 44 percent for all three primetime viewing hours.

Libby Emmons / 02/02/2021 12:00 AM

News Analysis

WATCH: Press sec says Biden 'trusts' Chicago teachers union, mayor to reopen public schools despite recent failures

Speaking to reporters today, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that President Joe Biden "trusts the mayor and the unions to work this out" as regards school reopening in Chicago.

Libby Emmons / 02/01/2021 12:00 AM

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