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Libby Emmons

Libby Emmons is the Editor-in-chief for The Post Millennial. MFA Columbia University BA Sarah Lawrence College. She has been published in the New York Post The Federalist others. @libbyemmons 

News, American News

BREAKING: DeSantis REJECTS Biden's request for Florida National Guard deployment for State of the Union

Biden will deliver the State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress on March 1, and will do so in a Capitol Building that is surrounded by fencing.

Libby Emmons / 02/28/2022 12:00 AM

Opinion, News Analysis

1619 Project founder claims Europe is 'a geopolitical fiction' in response to war in Ukraine

1619 Project founder Nicole Hannah-jones claimed that Europe is technically "not a continent by definition, but a geopolitical fiction to separate it from Asia."

Libby Emmons / 02/28/2022 12:00 AM

Canadian News, News, American News

BREAKING: Trump slams Trudeau's 'left-wing fascists', stands up for Canadian truckers, freedom protesters

"They have been slandered as Nazis and terrorists and treated worse that murderers. We stand with the truckers and the Canadians!"

Libby Emmons / 02/27/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

BREAKING: Trump speaks at CPAC, says Putin is 'playing Biden like a drum'

"The real problem is that our leaders are dumb. Dumb, so dumb," he said, "and they so far allowed him to get away with this travesty, this assault on humanity," he said.

Libby Emmons / 02/27/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

CPAC: Marc Levin slams Biden for not sanctioning Russia's energy sector

"These people live and they want to fight," Levin said of Ukrainian nationals. "They should have arms to kill as many of these bastards as they possibly can."

Libby Emmons / 02/26/2022 12:00 AM

News, Culture

Leftist activist Nandini Jammi targets satire site Babylon Bee for cancellation over 'disinformation'

The Babylon Bee is satire, not news. It peddles comedy, and not any actual information at all. This would make it hard for it to be a "disinformation" site.

Libby Emmons / 02/26/2022 12:00 AM

Opinion, News Analysis

Wokeness makes America appear weak to our adversaries

America's elevation of direct falsehoods and allowing them to masquerade as facts has given our nation the appearance of weakness.

Libby Emmons / 02/26/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

CPAC: Ted Cruz leads massive crowd to boo Justin Trudeau and cheer Canadian truckers

At one point, Cruz got the entire crowd to boo Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau... twice.

Libby Emmons / 02/25/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

BREAKING: President Biden: 'Our forces are not going to fight in Ukraine'

"Our forces are not and will not be engaged in a conflict with Russia in Ukraine," Biden said unequivocally.

Libby Emmons / 02/24/2022 12:00 AM

News, Culture

CPAC: Charlie Kirk says American citizens are beginning to rise up against authoritarianism

"I want to win civilization. I want to live in a country that's free. I want to live in a country I recognize," Kirk said.

Libby Emmons / 02/24/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

BREAKING: CNN veteran operations manager joins Project Veritas as Executive Producer

"In the first five days of working at this company, I've had more conversations about ethical journalism than I did probably in the last ten years of my career," Patrick Davis said.

Libby Emmons / 02/24/2022 12:00 AM

Opinion, News Analysis

NY Times calls DuckDuckGo a 'haven for conspiracy theorists' as users ditch big tech for uncensored alternatives

Google's censorship has led to the popularity of DuckDuckGo. The New York Times hates this.

Libby Emmons / 02/23/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

'Spring Break Sex-Ed Camp' that would pay teens to attend 'postponed' after backlash

"Teens can Get PAID $100 to learn about sex ed this spring break in this evidence-based and LGBTQIA+ friendly course led by Austin Public Health!"

Libby Emmons / 02/23/2022 12:00 AM

Opinion, News Analysis

CBS News tries to blame 'Ukraine crisis' for Bidenflation

The so-called 'news' outlet was massively ratio'd for carrying water for the Biden regime.

Libby Emmons / 02/23/2022 12:00 AM

Culture, News Analysis

John Oliver's attempt to smear a Critical Race Theory critic backfires spectacularly

In Oliver's view, the problem with the opposition to critical race theory is that it is in service to the concept of school choice, and for that he chooses to paint Christopher Rufo as the bogeyman.

Libby Emmons / 02/22/2022 12:00 AM

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