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Libby Emmons

Libby Emmons is the Editor-in-chief for The Post Millennial. MFA Columbia University BA Sarah Lawrence College. She has been published in the New York Post The Federalist others. @libbyemmons 

News, American News

WATCH: New CDC guidance gives 'incentive to get vaccinated' White House says

"Encourage your friends to get vaccinated, encourage your neighbors to get vaccinated... so that we can have a barbecue on July 4th," White House Press Secretary Psaki said.

Libby Emmons / 04/27/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

BREAKING: Biden gives permission for vaccinated Americans to go outside without a mask

Biden then encouraged everyone to get vaccinated so that they are able to take advantage of the opportunity to participate in the return to normal life.

Libby Emmons / 04/27/2021 12:00 AM

News Analysis

Washington Post head 'fact checker' halts fact check tracker of Biden administration

Kessler recently fact-checked South Carolina Senator Tim Scott for basically not being black enough, digging into his ancestry and family history of enslavement.

Libby Emmons / 04/27/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: Rose McGowan says Democrats 'are in a cult'

"And I do believe Democrats most especially are in a deep cult, that they really don't know about, and aren't really aware of," McGowan told Fox News.

Libby Emmons / 04/27/2021 12:00 AM

News Analysis

BREAKING: Simon & Schuster employees demand censorship of Trump administration authors

The petitioners equivocate the publication of Pence's book to "Rehabilitating fascists," and say it puts people "in immediate and long term danger..."

Libby Emmons / 04/26/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: Peter Doocy asks why Kamala Harris' children's book is being given to migrant kids in their welcome-to-America swag bags

Fox News' Peter Doocy asked about the recent New York Post report that said that Kamala Harris' children's book "Superheroes are Everywhere" was being given out in welcome packets to migrant children who arrive at US shelters.

Libby Emmons / 04/26/2021 12:00 AM

News Analysis

WATCH: Dr. Fauci previews upcoming CDC guidelines on masking outdoors

"If you're vaccinated, obviously the risk is miniscule," Fauci said, which seemed like a stark reversal from his recent comments that vaccinated people should remain masked around others.

Libby Emmons / 04/26/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

Biden's approval rating tanks as end of first 100 days nears

President Joe Biden's approval rating has tanked as we near the end of his first 100 days leading the nation. His approval rating stands at a mere 52 percent.

Libby Emmons / 04/26/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News, Culture

WATCH: Jack Posobiec explains the reality of political extremism in America

"We don't need to rewrite our entire police code or our entire police training just because of one viral video," Jack Posobiec said.

Libby Emmons / 04/25/2021 12:00 AM

News Analysis

WaPo 'fact-checks' black Senator Tim Scott for not being oppressed enough

The Washington Post believes itself to be so woke that white fact checker Kessler can undermine a black man's family history for Democrat political gain.

Libby Emmons / 04/23/2021 12:00 AM

News Analysis

All Senate Democrats voted against an amendment to prevent federal funding to universities that discriminate against Asians

On Thursday, Democrats opposed an amendment that would prohibit federal funds from going to universities that discrimination against Asians.

Libby Emmons / 04/23/2021 12:00 AM

Culture, Discourse, #badge-discourse

New England Journal of Medicine erases women, uses the term 'pregnant person'

In their article "Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons," the more than a dozen authors, all of them doctors, refer to "pregnant persons," erasing women.

Libby Emmons / 04/22/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: Greta Thunberg says leaders' legacy is at stake if they keep 'ignoring the climate crisis'

"We, the young people, are the ones who are going to write about you in the history books. We are the ones who get to decide how you will be remembered. So my advice to you is to choose wisely," she concluded.

Libby Emmons / 04/22/2021 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: First black Lt. Governor of North Carolina blasts Democrats' narrative on voter laws

"The notion that black people need to be protected from a free ID to secure their votes is not just insane, it is insulting... This doesn't have anything to do with justice, it has to do with power," Robinson said.

Libby Emmons / 04/22/2021 12:00 AM

News Analysis

BREAKING: White House press sec blames racism for police shooting of teenager who was trying to stab a person

"Our focus is on working to address systemic racism and implicit bias head-on, and of course to passing laws and legislation that will put much needed reforms into place in police departments around the country."

Libby Emmons / 04/21/2021 12:00 AM

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