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Quinn Patrick

At The Post Millennial we strive to deliver the news to you as it unfolds ensuring that you never fall behind on the current or trending news.

Canadian News, News, Business & Finance

Starbucks is giving free coffee to all first responders amid pandemic

Coffee chains such as Starbucks are now offering free coffee to first responders and frontline workers dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Quinn Patrick / 03/25/2020 12:00 AM

News, International News

UN Secretary says coronavirus 'is threatening the whole of humanity'

The United Nations gave the world a stark warning on Wednesday, saying that the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is a threat to the entire human race.

Quinn Patrick / 03/25/2020 12:00 AM

International News

It's not 'just' the elderly who are dying from coronavirus

Health officials are warning the public that coronavirus doesn't just affect the elderly as there have been new cases of young people dying from it as well.

Quinn Patrick / 03/25/2020 12:00 AM

International News, Politics & Policy

UK police to fine public gatherings of more than two due to coronavirus

Police in the UK have been spotted enforcing new government rules on social distancing that were brought into place yesterday.

Quinn Patrick / 03/24/2020 12:00 AM

Canadian News

More Canadian grocers to give pay raises amid coronavirus pandemic

Metro, Loblaws and Empire have all agreed to give their employees a financial bonus as they put themselves at risk in the midst of a pandemic.

Quinn Patrick / 03/24/2020 12:00 AM

International News, Politics & Policy

Hillary Clinton tells Americans to ignore Trump’s medical advice on coronavirus

Hillary Clinton advises Americans against heeding the President's medical advice on the coronavirus pandemic, given that he thought it was a bright idea to look directly at a solar eclipse.

Quinn Patrick / 03/24/2020 12:00 AM

Canadian News, Business & Finance

Changes are being made to the TTC amid coronavirus pandemic

Changes are being made to the TTC as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and new measures have been brought in to maintain social distancing.

Quinn Patrick / 03/24/2020 12:00 AM

Canadian News, Business & Finance

Alberta's energy sector in nosedive amid coronavirus pandemic

The halt of the economy has caused hundreds of Canadians who work in the energy sector to be laid off as most projects have been postponed.

Quinn Patrick / 03/24/2020 12:00 AM

Canadian News, Business & Finance

Sobey's gives 'hero pay' to workers during the coronavirus pandemic

A new program has been created to support employees who work for grocery store chain Sobey's, as they continue to work throughout the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Quinn Patrick / 03/24/2020 12:00 AM

International News

'Coronavirus challenge' performed by COVIDIOTS trending on social media

Instagram model Ava Louise recorded herself licking a toilet seat on a plane in what she referred to as the 'corona challenge.'

Quinn Patrick / 03/23/2020 12:00 AM

Canadian News

'Community Helper' site launches to help neighbours during coronavirus pandemic

A software engineer has developed a website to help communities get through the COVID-19 pandemic, which connects volunteers with those in need.

Quinn Patrick / 03/23/2020 12:00 AM

Canadian News

Winnipeg biotech company closes in on coronavirus treatment

A Winnipeg biotech company has teamed with two American pharmaceutical companies to develop treatments for a solution to coronavirus.

Quinn Patrick / 03/23/2020 12:00 AM

International News

COVIDIOTS is the new term for those who will not heed the call to quarantine

Millions of American students are who will not stop spring break partying despite the coronavirus pandemic have been decried as COVIDIOTS by the internet.

Quinn Patrick / 03/23/2020 12:00 AM

Canadian News

Montreal police declare state of emergency

The city of Montreal has declared a state of emergency by police, this measure will give them, "operational flexibility in the use of resources."

Quinn Patrick / 03/23/2020 12:00 AM

Politics & Policy, Business & Finance

Half a million Canadians just filed for Employment Insurance

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced more than half a million Canadians to file for employment insurance this week.

Quinn Patrick / 03/21/2020 12:00 AM

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