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The Post Millennial

News, American News

REVEALED: Democrat Jan 6 'candlelight vigil' organized by Antifa radicals

The January 6 candlelight vigil in Washington, DC to commemorate the "attack on democracy" that occurred on January 6 of 2021 is organized by Antifa radicals.

The Post Millennial / 01/06/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

Trump fires back at Biden after Jan 6 speech

"Biden," he wrote, "who is destroying our Nation... used my name today to try to further divide America."

The Post Millennial / 01/06/2022 12:00 AM

News, International News

Kazakhstan cuts internet after protests force entire government to resign

Internet access has been cut in Kazakhstan following a series of escalating protests that continue despite the president accepting the resignation of his entire government.

The Post Millennial / 01/06/2022 12:00 AM

Canadian News, News

Record high debt in Justin Trudeau's Canada

An individual Canadian's share of the federal debt is as high as $24 thousand. This means, as soon as a Canadian is born, they owe over 20 thousand to the government.

The Post Millennial / 01/06/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: Marjorie Taylor Greene calls on all GOP reps to leave Twitter and go to GETTR

"We can make Twitter powerless when we all decide to leave, and that is how Republican leadership should be handling this," Greene told Carlson.

The Post Millennial / 01/05/2022 12:00 AM

Canadian News, News

Canada's top CEOs earned an average of $10.9 million during first year of pandemic

In 2020, the top 100 highest-paid CEOs had their second-best year in history in terms of income.

The Post Millennial / 01/04/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

FBI whistleblower slams feds for delay in arresting CNN producer charged with child trafficking

There was a 17-month delay between the arrest warrant and Griffin's arrest. During the arrest warrant, police seized Griffin's devices.

The Post Millennial / 01/04/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

WATCH: DeSantis slaps back at AOC after accusations that he was 'missing'

"I think anyone that's gone through those treatments would not agree that chemotherapies are a vacation. My wife has had to go through that. I've accompanied her to all those treatments."

The Post Millennial / 01/04/2022 12:00 AM

Canadian News, News

FLASHBACK: Video resurfaces of Trudeau calling anti-vaxxers racists and misogynists

In the interview, Trudeau said that "there are people who are opposed to vaccines, that don't believe in science, that are often misogynists, racist."

The Post Millennial / 01/03/2022 12:00 AM

Canadian News, News

Trudeau takes ANOTHER personal day as cases climb and inflation soars

Justin Trudeau has a long history of taking personal days that have often gotten the prime minister in heaps of trouble.

The Post Millennial / 01/03/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

Pelosi to step down as GOP slated to take the House in 2022

Pelosi's departure, and the return of the House to the GOP, will serve as a significant check on Biden's power.

The Post Millennial / 01/03/2022 12:00 AM

News, International News

BREAKING: Prince Andrew's sweetheart Jeffrey Epstein deal made public

These documents show that Roberts agreed not to sue anyone connected with Epstein who could be described as a "potential defendant."

The Post Millennial / 01/03/2022 12:00 AM

Canadian News, News

Liberal Party's own report shows vaccine mandates are widely unpopular

This research showed that Canadians were, on the whole, uncomfortable with vaccination passport policies.

The Post Millennial / 01/03/2022 12:00 AM

Canadian News, News

BREAKING: CBC producer quits, slams woke broadcaster for failing to cover issues important to Canadians

"In a short period of time, the CBC went from being a trusted source of news to churning out clickbait that reads like a parody of the student press," she said.

The Post Millennial / 01/03/2022 12:00 AM

News, American News

Democrat township commissioner charged with rape of 15-year-old boy in Philadelphia

Darby Township Commissioner Marvin E. Smith has been charged with rape, sexual assault, luring, and related offenses.

The Post Millennial / 01/02/2022 12:00 AM

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