In a special public meeting held directly for this purpose, San Fransisco Board of Education Commissioner Ann Hsu voted to admonish herself.
"The words and action of our government, which has entrenched policies based on vaccination status, without reflecting the risk of those unvaccinated, is far from the warm, caring, and thoughtful Canada I remember living in."
Driftwood Public Library and Taft High (and Middle) School in Lincoln City, Oregon, have teamed up to create a "gender-affirming closet," to help conceal students' gender identities from their parents.
When the song ends, the drag queen pointed to the dollar bills on the ground and said to the young girl, "Look at all that money you just made!"
Republican Senate candidate Tiffany Smiley will take on longtime Democrat incumbent Patty Murray in November's general election, after Smiley's clean sweep in Tuesday's primary election.
"If you can't control the economy, you might as well control the language and hope for the best," said guest Chris Williamson.
Students aged 11 to 18 were advised to attend all classes in the series, "as each week will address a different aspect of performing drag."
The Tories are currently without a leader, with the race to name one ending on September 10 of this year.
FOX News' Tucker Carlson criticized Biden for boasting about the Al Qaeda leader's death after botching the withdrawal from Afghanistan last year.
"Shame on MSNBC and shame on him. I'm going to pray for both of them because they need Jesus," Walker said.
GOP leaders maneuver to split the party by backing establishment candidates and propping up spoiler candidates, paving the way for Republicans who have a history of capitulating to the left.
“Let’s be clear, this administration is dangerously promoting child abuse,” Tulsi said.
"So you can sort of determine where you want to bleed and also how much liquid you make will determine how heavy a period you have if you’re going to simulate it," says the YouTuber.
"Asking about pronouns can make trans and nonbinary students more uncomfortable because they’re forced into a situation where they either need to lie or are forced to come out when they’re not ready to."
Comments ridiculed the group, including asking if they would be celebrating Christmas in August to inquiring if the group has a feast on the Yom Kippur fast.